Curiosities Dealer List

Vintage Bombshell


• Booth #4
• Owner is Selena Faith
• Selling antiques and vintage since 2006

Booth Description:
Vintage Bombshell is full of all things girly and over the top. I want my bombshells to have fun when they visit my space and find something lovely that reflects their unique style.  Whether it's a vintage 1950's party dress, a drippy chandelier or an ornate piece of vintage jewelry. Items with interesting detail and a touch of romantism is my difinitive style.

How'd you get into the business?:
Starting out in my first home, I couldn't afford to purchase brand new furniture pieces so I began hunting auctions for cool pieces that needed a little TLC. I turned my garage at the time into a mini workshop so I could take my time refinishing and restoring these vintage finds. Sanding, staining, and stripping away 17 layers of paint. My personal hobby eventually lead to restoring antiques for private clients.

What's has been your best find?:
My best thrifty find was five years ago at a local thrift shop. I spotted an Hermes silk scarf for $2.99. These babies retail for $500-600. It was the find of a lifetime. Then I found one last week..... I don't know why, but the universe just sends me these things and I accept.

What are you always looking for?:
1950's and early 1960s dresses. Those eras really do it for me.

The Time is Now


• Booth #17
• Owner is Jennifer Bernard
• Selling antiques and vintage since 2016

Booth Description:
Something for everyone and a purpose for everything!

How'd you get into the business?:
I got into dealing collectibles the same way most do, realizing that I had to let go of some so that I can keep collecting and picking. Picking is the best part about being a dealer!

What's has been your best find?:
I get excited over the silly things, not the $.50 find that ends up being worth $50. What gets me going is finding something from my childhood that I haven't seen anywhere because everyone has thrown it away. It's that feeling of ultimate nostalgia!

What do you collect?:
I like to look for things that I would enjoy in my home or in my life. I also watch decorating trends and search for all the items that work to create that look.

Keen Beans Vintage

• Booth #59
• Owner is Haylee Ergenekan
• Selling vintage since 2015

Booth Description:
An 80s child's nostalgic trip down memory lane. Pop Culture Items from the 80s and 90s usually stock my shelves, along with memorabilia from "Star Trek", "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" Movies and Books. You will find vintage items from the 60s and 70s at times, but mostly I focus on the XY Cusp Generation.

How'd you get into the business?:
My mother inspired me. She has always supported my desire and passion for all things vintage and retro. She has made large contributions to my collection and has been a lifesaver in regards to saving my most prized possessions from my childhood.

What's the best part about this work?:
The hunt for treasures. I find so much happiness in thrifting and seeking out something that may have otherwise been forgotten. I feel such pride and joy in reuniting a customer with something they loved from their childhood.

What are you always looking for?
Nostalgic Pop Culture Items from the 70s, 80s and 90s.


• Booth #39
• Owner is Pam Smith
• Selling antiques and vintage since 2015

Booth Description:
Eclectic American antiques and collectibles.

How'd you get into the business?:
By collecting so many things that I had duplicates of duplicates!

What's been your best find?:
I can't decide between two things. It's either a 1958, all original, Vendolator 81 Coke machine found in Victoria, British Columbia which was filled with 1962 Canadian nickels or a 1970s British Marmet pram which I walked each of my 3 kids to Safeway in and used the extra space in it as my grocery cart.

What do you collect?
Vintage tins, classic toys, wooden advertising boxes, made in Ireland Waterford Crystal, old silver, hand carved bread boards and knives, enamel bread bins, candy machines and old hand carved wooden bowls.

What are you always looking for?
Unrestored Vendo Coke machines from the 1960s.

Days Past

• Booth #77
• Owner is Marian Carroll
• Selling antiques and rocks since 1953

Booth Description:
Elegant collections of sterling silver and costume jewelry. Great selection of rocks, fossils, and crystals for your collecting and metaphysical use. Unique gifts for all ages.

How did you get into the business?:
Third generation antique and rock dealer. Daughter of Richard and Helen Rice, founders of Rice NW Museum of Rocks & Minerals in Hillsboro, Oregon, one of the top mineral museums in the United States.

What do you collect?:
Small collectables, coins, rocks, and crystals.

What's your best picking story?:
Traveling across this great country, with my parents, in search of rocks in the earth and antiques treasures in homes and barns in every state.

Dottie's Girls


• Booth #12
• Owner is Jenn
• Selling vintage since 2012

Booth Description:
Eclectic mix of vintage housewares and collectibles.

How'd you get into the business?:
I ventured into it by wanting to sell some of my Mom's and Grandma's items that I had no use for. I became a Dealer at a now defunct vintage mall with Travis under the business name His & Hers.  We became hooked! Fortunately, that business owner decided to close her shop and that led to the start of Curiosities!

What has been your best find?:
I loved the collection of Victoria Littlejohn ceramic trivets I found at an estate sale.

What's the best part of being a dealer?:
Seeing the customer enjoy something as much as I do.

What do you collect?:
Dachshunds, miniatures for dioramas, doo dads


Indigo Market Co.


• Booth #48
• Owner is Ursula Crowell
• Selling antiques and vintage since early 2016

Booth Description:
Farmhouse meets Rustic meets Industrial meets Jesus, ha!

What has been your best find?:
Hands down best find was a $5 '50's farmhouse chair.  I cleaned it, changed out the upholstery seat for a cool oilcloth, took it in the shop and it sold right away.  That piece ranks as my favorite because it was a really pretty custom upcycle that made someone else happy.

What's your best picking story?:
One afternoon while waiting for my big kids to finish violin lessons, I stumbled upon a huge sale at the home of a very cool metal artist.  His pieces were all in great condition and incredibly interesting.  He had used them, taking a rod here, a metal flower there to create the sculptures adorning his front yard and for his business.  He was very kind, helped us carry our things to the van and gave away some of his sweet old matchbox cars to my littles.